"Journey to the Best Me"

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I'm just trying to create my best surfboardt body. I've always had a big bottom. I've always had wide hips. I've always had jumbo dumbo thighs. I've always been short. I've always had a smaller midsection. I've always had huge arms. Are we on the same page here? I am not perfect. I am not at any "goal" weight. I do not know how much I weigh because I became obsessed with the numbers at one point, so I've 86'd scales. My main goal is to feel good and look MY best. Not Rihanna's best, not Beyonce's best... I'dbelyingifIsaidIwouldn'ttradeallathisforBey'sbodythough. But, you get my point.  So, you're really interested in what I do to maintain my chunky soup?(My neighbor once called me chunky soup and I have NOT let it go yet.) Follow along for a few pointers on how I have learned to put my shape in shape.

If you're anything like me, the gym is not your idea of a great time. I tend to either love or hate going to the gym. I'm also great at excusing myself from going, "I left my ear buds at home... guess I can't work out!" While leaving your ear buds behind is tragic, it's not a valid enough excuse. Since the gym isn't my favorite place to go, I researched and eventually created my own "weightloss" contributing routine which mainly focused on what I put into my body oppose to how much I exhausted it. About two years ago, I decided to become a pesco-vegetarian. For no other reasons than 1. I do NOT digest meat well... Just think about it, yea. 2. After fasting from meat during lent I realized that it was no longer a necessity in my life. 

So, what do I eat? Not including the things that I like to indulge in ever-so-often. Since working at my new job, I've been eating candy again, almost daily and that has to stop. Sugar is not my friend, and I do not wish to get reaquainted. 

Fish: tilapia, salmon, catfish, flounder
Greens: Spinach, kale, green beans
Fruits(just to name a few of my faves): Pineapple, mango, blackberries, raspberries, bananas
Other foods that I try to eat daily: Plantains, tofu, brown rice, cashews, pecans, sweet potatoes, black bean chips, Greek yogurt(not often,) ground soy meat, hummus.. You get my drift? I try to stay away from things in boxes that sit on shelves. Like I said I am not perfect. I have my raging triple chocolate gelato moments. 

What gets me moving? When I do go to the gym, I usually spend about 45 minutes on the treadmill. A good 30 minutes on the floor mats doing core exercises and 15-25 minutes using 10lb weights to do arm curls and while squatting. I am in no way a fitness expert, I must stress this. These are just things that work for me. When I'm at home I use a 20lb kettle bell to do squats and kettle bell swings. I also like to go to YouTube to follow routines from a few of my favorite banging body fitness gurus as well. 
banging body guru #1 banging body guru #2 banging body guru #3

38-33-51...Smh, this new shameless thing is truly something else. Anywho, when I lose weight it typically comes from my feet(go figure) and my midsection first. I will NOT complain. I do not waist train. I've never tried to waist train. I won't say I never will, but I currently am not interested. No shade, no sun.

When you're starting out, the best thing to do is just... DO! Consult someone that you trust to advise what your fitness focal points should be. Get rid of the "dieting" mentality. Eat clean, that's it. Don't crucify yourself for eating a burger and fries every once in a while. We are not perfect, we need to still have foods that we enjoy but realize that everything is best in moderation. You can never eat enough vegetables. Fruits have sugar in them, while it's a natural sugar... It is a sugar nonetheless so be aware of how much you intake. Never think that a little effort is too little. When it comes to creating a better lifestyle all it takes is making some effort. Little by little, think about the last time you tried to change... Now think about allllll the time in between wasted. You could totally be where you wanted to be 2 years ago! Give it a go, motivate yourself. Motivate your family and friends. Self love is the best love! 

Now that you've learned about what works for me... Check out www.theehautecocoa.com and follow her journey!

Peace & Hand Sanitizer,

Kelly xoxo

If you ever have questions or would like to see what I'm doing in between blog posts:
IG: kellyaugustine & salvationkelly
email: salvationkellyxo@gmail.com


Notes From Kelly

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It's Saturday and as usual, I'm home... chilling in my favorite, raggedy, flannel shirt. Just wanted to drop in and spread a little love as I tend to do. The more time I spend alone, the more I realize how vital it is to have alone time. I have truly grown to love and appreciate every bit of ME! I encourage everyone that reads this to always remind themselves that everything begins and ends with you. No love is like self love! Spread it, feel it, be it. And always remember, Kelly cares... Even if nobody else cares! Word to Tupac...
Who is still alive... Bye.

Peace & Hand Sanitizer,
Kelly xoxo


When it comes to crop tops, you're either a fan or you think they're senseless. For years, as a fatty, I never would have imagined the day that I would bare anything in my midriff. Maybe it's a boost of confidence, maybe it was the few lbs loss... OR, maybe I just stopped giving a damn! I hope for the latter, because people's opinions do not matter. When it comes to fashion, you go with what's right for you. Everyone doesn't share the same "flaws" or "problem areas." 

I digress, this top was something I definitely winged at the last minute. I'm the queen of winging it. It started off as a regular, size large, Hanes, ladies' sweatshirt. All I did was cut the bottom "band," that typically falls at your waist, off. Once removed, I then cut a good 3-5 inches off of the then bottom of the sweatshirt. Once THAT part was cut, I sewed the band to the new bottom... was that confusing? If anyone would like better detail I'll consider a DIY video or pictured steps. The joggers were thrifted, duuuuh. A regular men's pair of adidas jogging pants worn high waisted. I hate the baggy fupa illusion these pants give but I love the comfort and sporty spice realness they serve.

(This is another suit that I altered a while ago, excuse my awkwardness, idk. 
This was thrifted for $1.50.)

Crop tops can be fun and worn tastefully. There are multiple lengths that you can buy them in, and if you can't find one that fits YOUR body how YOU want it... create your own! Fashion has no boundaries when you make your own rules. People will always find something to talk about, just tell them to make it good! Be well babies. XOXO

Peace & Hand Sanitizer,

Happy New Year!!!!!!!

Dress: Banana Republic, h=thrifted $3
Belt: Pay Half, $7.99
Boots: Forever 21+,  faux suede black 
knee high, $22.25 (not shown)

Happy New Year everyone!!!!! I pray that you all had great, SAFE fun last night! I want YOU to know, yes you, even you with the eye boogers at 1pm... every single one of you, that take the time to read my blog, comment on pictures, send me encouraging words... Whatever. I. Am. Grateful. 2013 was a very trying year. I don't want to go into great detail of the happenings so I'll just say that it was trying. I saw a version of myself that I never want to see again. With hard prayer and support from my amazing family and friends I made it through and stepped into a light that I never want to see dim again. 

Although last year had it's not so great moments, I am still able to focus on the good and glories that 2013 did bring..

Here are my top 5 moments of 2013!

1. Kensington Jupiter!
My Niece who I love so much. From the moment I saw her shimmy down the human slide, I was overwhelmed with joy and the deepest love. She is truly a gift. 

2. My Blog
I decided to do something that was for me. Something that made me happy and allowed me to pour my loopy brain onto a public forum where like minds and others could CHOOSE to read and learn things. Even if only one person reads my posts, I'm grateful. 

3. Losing 50 lbs
I didn't lose the total 50 lbs in 2013, maybe... 35. The rest was loss in the previous year. Changing my "diet" was one of the best decisions I've made for my body. Don't get me wrong, I still love and indulge in hot fries and dairy, they just don't love me.

4. A New Job
I started a new job that I don't hate. Lol, seriously... While I was hunting all I prayed for was stability and peace in whatever I found. My co-workers are great and the environment is welcoming and growth is always an option.

5. My Family
Sure, I've been with them for 26 years thus far but last year really brought us together. After losing our grandparents, dealing with personal struggles and typical family strife... We made it through and love each other even more from it.

If it hasn't already been implied enough, let me say that I love you guys! I pray that this new year brings you all the clarity, love and joy possible. Be your own light. Start your own path. LIVE! Get you some self love in your life and GO OFF!! Take care and be royal!

Peace & Hand Sanitizer,
Kelly XOXO

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